onsdag 18 februari 2015

We got snow...

Two days ago we got snow! Or we've had some before earlier but not enough to do anything. The last two days school has been cancelled due to the road conditions...Compared with Montana last year the roads are not bad at all but I guess all is relative,  so we had a lot of time to play (despite my sinusitis, which is getting better).

The first day we just played outside a lot. We had powder snow so we couldn't really make our so sought after snowman. (Thanks Disney for your "Frozen")...We couldn't find any snowsleds but since we have THE perfect sledhill by the house we had to improvise a little.  I will show pictures later. Yesterday it got warmer so we finally made our snowman and got to go sledding for real!

torsdag 12 februari 2015

It's been a while...

January is over and now it seems like we are getting a little closer to spring! Here in MO the weather has been very various from day to day. We've had days with sunshine and 19°C and others with -5° C. Unfortunately we haven't had any snow worth counting yet. Hopefully we'll get some next week, because soon we really need spring and I don't feel for snowstorms further down the road. Anyway, I'm sorry I haven't been posting anything in a while. Since I'm doing some translation jobs and spend a lot of time in front of the computer, I've lost my mojo to write when I'm not working... I will try to improve.
Valentine's day is just around the corner and I can say this is a big commercial happening here. People go crazy over this, commercial everywhere. Valentines day is celebrated in all schools as well and I guess every school has its own traditions. At Natalie's school they are having a party with snacks and games all connected to the theme on Friday. So she will get a little dressed in extra loveable clothes. All students are supposed to bring a special homemade Valentine box to collect all the small Valentine cards/treats they will get from each classmate. So every student brings card and a small surprise for everyone in the class. Its important that no one gets left out.  So yesterday and tonight we've prepared the box and cards to bring to school.
So we have been preparing all week...It takes a while for a 5 year old to write cards for all classmates... With the card comes a treat bag and this year we decided to skip the candy. Instead they are all getting a long lasting gift of love. We put a bag of Morning Glory seeds, a pot, a sticker, a pen and a few erasers so each one of the kids can plant their seeds and see them produce many lovely flowers.